Setting a root path for your Gmail account will free you from the folder structure. When using Outlook 2010, in some cases, you’ll need to set the Sent Items and Deleted Items folder for the Gmail IMAP account again.In either case, it is recommended to restart Outlook at this point. After setting the option and confirming your way out of all of the opened dialogs, you may get a notification that your IMAP cache needs to be rebuild.Setting the Root folder path in Outlook 2010, 2013 or Outlook 2016 (MSI). Setting the Root folder path in Outlook 2016, 2019 or Microsoft 365. At the bottom, set the “Root folder path” option to.When using Outlook 2010, 2013 or 2016 (MSI), you’ll need to perform the following additional actions.Double click on your Gmail IMAP account to open the account settings.File-> section Info-> button Account Settings-> Account Settings…-> tab E-mail.To make the change, you’ll have to go to the “Advanced Settings” tab of your account configuration Setting a root folder for your Gmail account Creating subfolders in Outlook and Labels in Gmail.Setting a root folder for your Gmail account.Luckily, there is a workaround for that as well. However, this has an effect on any Labels that you might use in Gmail.

To break yourself out of this additional subfolder and have all these folders listed directly under your mailbox in Outlook, you can set a root folder for your Gmail IMAP account.

When you are using a Gmail account over IMAP in Outlook, you’ll also automatically get an or folder containing all the “system folders” of Gmail itself.